01 September 2006

Beware! The Nazis Are Coming!

So, it wasn't exactly Nazis, but I'm sure they were fascists of some degree...on some plane. Their fucking scare tactics and storm troopers may be enough to frighten the light of heart amongst BSU grad students. I, however, do not fall into that category.

So, as the whole story goes, I got a note from the Grad Office yesterday saying that my tuition waiver and a bunch of other shit had yet to be turned in. I already knew that and needed no reminding by the fucking grad office. "The problem," I wrote in an email to one such arm-bander (what I now call any of the fascists from the grad office), "is that I don't know how to register for thesis credits because no one can give me a straight answer. And," this is a direct quote of myself, "I got this fascist letter in my box yesterday saying that if I didn't pay by today, I'd be dropped..." You get the whole boring idea.

Well, today I get stopped in the hall by Mark Christensen and he enlightens me to the fact that the word 'fascist' did not fall upon deaf ears in the grad office. They apparently took offense.

Goddamn Nazis. So freakin touchy.

Anyway, Johnny Cash came across my jukebox and I got to thinking...I could totally hold up the ideals of freedom and liberty from the fascists. Their tyranny and bullshit has gone on long enough. I'm going to fight the dirty red bastards. You can call me

Stephen Terhaar, Freedom Fighter.


Blogger Amber said...

To register for thesis credits, go to your thesis advisor. He/she has access to an arranged course form that needs to be filled out and submitted to the registration office. It's pretty simple, but embarrassingly enough for a department that specializes in communication, few of the professors there can explain it coherently.

Oh, and expect registration to take a while. Last year I had to call after about a week and get someone in registration to move my form from the middle of the pile to the top.

8:47 AM  

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