Check this steamy nugget out for your laughing enjoyment
Women are funny. Politicians are funnier. The wives of teetering, reformed Democrats are fucking hilarious. I think that, given this introduction, you can correctly assume that I am introducing Hillary Clinton.
She has some rather fundie words for the denizens of Generation Y (who the fuck started calling us that, anyway?).
Hillary Clinton, Generation Y salutes you, as do my older brothers and sisters of Generation X, as the wife of the third most influential president of the 90s (that says a lot considering his predecessor and descendant). However, we have one thing to say to you: in twenty years, when Generation Z is feeding you pureed crab cakes and changing your diapers for $20 an hour (a paltry sum by that time, considering the slope upon which the American dollar now sits) your shit-filled Depends will not smell any differently than the rest of your Baby-Boomer constituency…and they certainly will not smell like roses.
She has some rather fundie words for the denizens of Generation Y (who the fuck started calling us that, anyway?).
Hillary Clinton, Generation Y salutes you, as do my older brothers and sisters of Generation X, as the wife of the third most influential president of the 90s (that says a lot considering his predecessor and descendant). However, we have one thing to say to you: in twenty years, when Generation Z is feeding you pureed crab cakes and changing your diapers for $20 an hour (a paltry sum by that time, considering the slope upon which the American dollar now sits) your shit-filled Depends will not smell any differently than the rest of your Baby-Boomer constituency…and they certainly will not smell like roses.
hell, she probably wears depends now.
party on monday, byob.
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